Na naši kmetiji ponujamo možnost kampiranja ali spanja na senu pod streho kozolca. Sanitarije so urejene v hiši.
Cena šotora je 10 €/dan, 6 €/dan za odraslo osebo in 3 €/dan za otroke med 7 in 18 let.
Otroci do 7 let brezplačno.
Turistična taksa je 0,8 € za odraslo osebo in 0,4 € za otroka nad 7 let.
Električni priključek pride 3 €/dan.
On our farm we also offer camping or sleeping on hay under the roof of our hay rack. The toilets and bathroom are accessible in our house.
The price is 10 €/day for the tent, 6 € per adult person per day and 3 € for kids between 7 and 18 years old. Younger children stay with us for free.
The electricity fee is 3 € per day.